NHS CHoices

Behind the Headlines provides an unbiased and evidence-based analysis of health stories that make the news.
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James Lind

The James Lind Library has been created to help people understand fair tests of treatments in health care. The principles of fair tests are explained in essays available in Arabic (ربي), Chinese (中文), English, French (français), Russian (русский язык), Portuguese (Português) and Spanish (español). In addition, three books written for the public are available here for free download. One of the books – Testing Treatments – is available in 2 editions and seven languages at www.testingtreatments.org.
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“Informacije su predivne” (engl. Information is Beautiful) mrežna je stranica čiji je autor David McCandless, pisac i dizajner iz Londona. Mrežna stranica govori kako se dizajn može koristiti da bi se informacije bolje razumjele.

Autori daju detaljne citate o izvorima na kojima se temelje njihovi vizualni prikazi.

Dva prikaza bave se vizualizacijom pitanja povezanih sa zdravljem i provjeravanjem terapija:

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