Statistički smiješno (Statistically funny) je blog u kojem autorica Hilda Bastian prikazuje svoje stripove u kojima oslikava važne ideje vezane za istraživanja i skrb utemeljenu na dokazima.

“Komični potencijal kliničke epidemiologije je bezgraničan.”

Njene stripove možete pratiti i na Twitteru ili se predbilježiti za dobivanje obavijesti putem e-pošte
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Jun 042012
A quack

Bad Science contains an archive of the Guardian newspaper column by Dr Ben Goldacre.

The website contains analysis of media and other reports concerning health care.  The focus is on identfying spin, distortions and misrepresentation of science by politicians, journalists, pharmaceutical industry, clinicians, researchers and others.
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